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Table 2 Overview of the ecotoxicity studies on microplastics derived from polypropylene

From: Environmental hazard of polypropylene microplastics from disposable medical masks: acute toxicity towards Daphnia magna and current knowledge on other polypropylene microplastics



Exposure time




Dimension (μm)

Source material

Mode of preparation

Test concentrations

amphipod Hyalella Azteca (Crustacea)


Diameter: 20

Length: 20–75

Aged marine fishing rope (3 years under ambient conditions)

Cutting the rope by scissors

0–90 fibres mL− 1

10 days

↑ Mortality, ↓ Growth, ↓Weight; ↑ egestion time;

Fibres not retained in the gut

LOEC = 45 fibres mL− 1


shrimp Palaemonetes pugio (Crustacea)


a) Diameter: 30–38

b) Diameter:80–105

Length: not defined

Aged marine fishing rope (3 years under ambient conditions)

Cutting the rope by scissors

50,000 fibres L−1

96 h

a) no effect

b) ↑ Mortality


shrimp Palaemonetes pugio (Crustacea)

Fragments, irregular shapes



Purchased, TWOH Chem

Sieving the powder

50,000 particles L− 1

96 h

No effect


shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Crustacea)

Fragments, spherical, rod-shaped, sheet-like


Purchased, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Used as received

1 mg L−1

14 days

Changes in gut microbial composition

↑ proteome expression related to moult processes and metabolism

Changed metabolic profile

No effect on immune related proteome expression


decapod Nephrops norvegicus (Crustacea)


Diameter: 200 Length: 3000–5000

Fishing rope

Fibres were removed from twisted split rope

Adding 5 fibres every two days. Total fibres at the end: 360

8 months

↓ Feeding rate;

↓ Body mass

↓ Metabolic rate

Retention of fibres in foregut


mole crab Emerita analoga (Crustacea)


Diameter: 100

Length: 1000

Fishing rope

Cutting the rope by scissors

3 fibres L−1

72 days

↑ Mortality

↓ Reproductive success


nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  70

Purchased, Sigma-Aldrich

Ground with mortar, sieved < 200 μm

0.5–5.0 mg m−2 (agar plate)

48 h

↑ Mortality; ↓ growth; ↓ Reproductive success;

↑ stress genes

LOEC = 0.5 mg m− 2


nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes

Three size ranges:

a) < 250,

b) 250–630,

c) 630–1000

Obtained from Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung

und prüfung (Berlin, Germany)

Cryo-milling; sieving < 1000 μm

0.01, 0.1 and 1% w/w soil

24 h

a) ↓ reproduction at 1%

b, c) no effect


ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  400

Purchased, supplier not provided

Cryo-milling; sieving < 400 μm

1 and 5% w/w sediment

10 days

↓ coelomocytes viability,

↓ phenoloxidase,

↓ acid phosphatase, no effect on phagocytic activity; LOEC = 10 mg kg− 1


oyster Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  400

Purchased, supplier not provided

Cryo-milling; sieving < 400 μm

0.008, 10, 100 μg L− 1

10 days

No effects on clearance rate of organisms, tissue alteration, antioxidant defence, immune response and DNA damage.


mussel Mytilus spp (Mollusca)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  400

Purchased, supplier not provided

Cryo-milling; sieving < 400 μm

1 and 1000 mg L− 1

10 days

↑ antioxidant response

No effect on the clearance rate, and histopathological parameters


mussel Perna viridis (Mollusca)

Fragments, irregular shapes

< 30



Provided by the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Silpakorn University, Thailand

Used as received

66, 333, 666, and 1333 particles L−1

96 h

Total mortality after 96 h,

After 72 h 67%, 63% and 70% mortality for the small, medium and large particles, respectively.

About 90% of the available MPs were rejected as pseudofaeces by the mussels, with approximately 10% of MPs being ingested and accumuled in the soft tissue.


clam Donax trunculus (Mollusca)

Fragments, irregular shapes


Purchased, supplier not provided, mixture of pellets from PP and PE

Cryo-milling; sieving < 400 μm

0.06 g kg− 1 of sand

3 h, 1, 2, 3, 4,7,10 and 15 days

↑ oxidative stress

↓ acetylcholinesterase activity


barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite (Crustacea)

a) plastic square

b) leachate from plastic

a) 4 cm2

b) 0.50 m2 plastic in 1 L seawater



a) Cutting

b) Soaking for 24 h

b) 0.1 and 0.5 m2 L− 1

24 h, 48 h, 96 h

a) 24 h–96 h: ↑ Mortality; ↓ Settlement

b) 24 h: ↑ Mortality; ↓ Settlement


microalgae Spirulina sp


Diameter: 15

Length: 1000

Purchased fibres


300, 500, 550 mg L−1

112 days

↓ growth

LOEC = 300 mg L− 1


algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Algae)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  400–1000

Disposable cup lid

Cutting to 1 cm, cryo-milling; sieving < 400 μm

1000 mg L− 1

72 days

No effect on growth up to 60 days,

↓ growth after 72 days

↑ stress genes, e.g. polysaccharide biosynthesis

↑ formation of polypropylene-algae hetero-aggregates


algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa; Microcystis flosaquae (Algae)

Fragments, irregular shapes

~ 172

Purchased, Aladdin Industrial Corporation

Used as received

5, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500 mg L− 1

11 days

↓ chlorophyll content

↓ photosynthetic activity

LOEC = 5 mg L− 1, no clear dose-response


algae Chlorella sp. (Algae)

Fragments, irregular shapes

100–300, 300–500, and 500–700

Plastic bag

Cutting to smaller particles, ground with cryogenic mill, sieving

10, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg L− 1

3 days

↓ growth, but very small rate of inhibition


fish Danio rerio (embryo)



Purchased, Sigma-Aldrich


1 mg L−1 and 10 mg L− 1

96 h

↑ pericardial sac area

No effect total body size


fish Danio rerio (larvae, adults)


Diameter 20, length: 50 ± 26 and 200 ± 90

Not reported

Cutting with cryogenic microtome

10 and 100 μg L− 1

48 h larvae, 21 days adults

↑intestinal damage, larger effect for long fibres

↑ oxidative stress, inflammation and lipid depletion in the larvae gut; larger effect for long fibres

↓decreased feeding

Changed metabolic profile, disruption in lipid metabolism


fish Danio rerio (adults)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  70

Purchased, Sigma-Aldrich

Ground with mortar, sieved < 200 μm

0.001–10.0 mg L− 1

10 days

↑ Mortality; LOEC = 10 mg/L

intestinal damage


fish Danio rerio (adults)

Fragments, irregular shapes


Purchased, Huachuang plastic material Co. Ltd.

Ground with pulverizing and filtering

0.2 mg L−1

28 days

↑ lipid peroxidation in the gut

↓ superoxide dismutase in liver

Possible oxidative stress


fish Pimephales promelas (embryo)

Fragments, irregular shapes

150 to 500

Purchased, ASPX company

Ground using a burmill coffee grinder, sieved 150 μm < 500 μm,

280 and 2800 particles/L or 1.43 mg L−1and 14.3 mg L− 1, respectively.

14 days

↑ body weight

No effect on hatching success, survival, and length


fish Dicentrarchus labrax (adults)

Fragments, irregular shapes


Purchased, Sigma-Aldrich

Ground with a cutting mill, sieving to obtain the 700–1000 μm fraction

10% w/w

60 days

No effect on growth

No effect on gut histology

↑ immune-related genes


earthworm Metaphire guillelmi (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes


Purchased, Huachuang Plasticizing Corporation

Used as received

0.25% w/w soil

28 days

No changes in gut microbiota


earthworms Eisenia fetida (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes

8–125, 71–383 and 761–1660

Purchased, Huachuang Plasticizing Corporation

Grinding with liquid nitrogen

0.25% w/w soil

14 days, 28 days

↓ antioxidant enzymes activities (14 d, 28 d)

↑ DNA damage (28 d)

No changes in lipid peroxidation (28 d)


earthworms Eisenia fetida (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes

<  150

Purchased, Sigma-Aldrich

Mechanically ground, sieving < 150 μm

0.03, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9% w/w

14 days, 28 days, 42 days

↓ growth (14, 21 and 42 days); LOEC = 0.6%

↑ mortality (42 days), LOEC = 0.3%

↑ lipid peroxidation (14, 21 and 42 days); LOEC = 0.03%;

↑ antioxidant levels (14, 21 and 42 days); LOEC = 0.3%


White worm Enchytraeus crypticus (Annelida)

Fragments, irregular shapes




Not reported

Cryo-milling, sanding, sieving

0.032, 0.1, 0.32, 0.64% w/w

64 days

No effect on reproduction


springtails Folsomia candida (Entognatha) earthworms Eisenia Andrei (Annelida)

Fibres and fragments

<  300

Triple-layered disposable white face masks

cut using micro-scissors, and sieved < 300 μm

0.1% w/w

28 days

↓ reproduction and growth of juveniles springtails

No effect on survival, esterase activity, oxidative stress, and light avoidance behavior of adult springtails

↓esterase activity and spermatogenesis of earthworms

No effect on survival and oxidative stress in earthworms


Mealworm larvae Tenebrio molitor (Insecta)



Purchased, SINOPEC (China) and EyeIslet (China)

cut into 2–3 mm fragments

100% (fed on this material)

And 50% mixed with bran

14 days

Decomposition and feeding occur only in case of 50%

No effect on survival


garden cress Lepidium sativum

Fibres and fragments

<  125

Not reported

grinding, with liquid nitrogen, sieving < 125 μm

0.02% (w/w)

6 days, 21 days

↓biomass, No effect on reactive oxygen species formation and antioxidants content, change ration between pigments


plant Cucurbita pepo

Fibres and fragments


Purchased, Sigma-Aldrich

Not reported

0.02, 0.1, 0.2% w/w

28 days

↓ root and shoot growth

No effect on leaf area and photosynthesis

Changes in concentrations of elements in leaves
