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Table 3 Proposed microplastics toxicity thresholds for tissue translocation, relevant for particle sizes between 1 and 83 μm

From: Risk-based management framework for microplastics in aquatic ecosystems


Particles/L (95% CI)

Mass (mg)/L (95% CI)

Threshold 1-

“Investigative monitoring”



Threshold 2-

“Discharge monitoring”

312 (57 to 4680)

51 (10 to 770)

Threshold 3-

“Management planning”

890 (118 to 19,000)

146 (19 to 3120)

Threshold 4-

“Source control measures”

4110 (493 to 69,100)

676 (81 to 11,400)

  1. aThreshold 1 is the lower 95% CI of the HC5 calculated for Threshold 2, therefore confidence intervals cannot be reported for this threshold